We host events to raise awareness of current and emerging issues related to audit and financial management, sharing the insights we develop from the work we do.

  • Technical audit update for public sector chief financial officers and finance managers
  • Briefings for public sector audit committee chairs
  • Special events such as performance audit conferences and briefings for parliamentary staff

Upcoming events

Our next event for our Audit Service Providers will be held in Cairns on 11 and 12 November 2019 for those in north Queensland, and in Brisbane on 13 November 2019. Invitations were sent in September.

Our next briefing for audit committee chairs will be held on 3 December 2019. Invitations will be sent in early October.

Information about next year's technical audit update will be held in February 2020. Invitations will be sent in November.

If your contact details have changed or if you have any queries, please contact your QAO Engagement Leader.

Past presentations