Queensland's local governments – councils – are the first line of connection to communities, providing Queenslanders with a wide range of services such as roads, water and waste, libraries, and parks. These reports summarise the audit results of Queensland’s 77 councils and the entities they control.

These reports will also include the results of our assessment of councils’ financial statement preparation processes, internal controls, and financial sustainability.

Our financial sustainability assessments will consider the ratios published by the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, as well as what makes a sustainable community in Queensland’s regions. Each year our report will build on focus areas from our previous local government reports.

This report will also include commentary on our annual assessment of the quality and effectiveness of internal controls of local governments. This will include our assessment of general information technology controls.

Area of focus
Sustainable communities and environment
Parliamentary Committee
Housing, Big Build and Manufacturing Committee
Tabled 29 January 2024.