Mr Steve Minnikin MP, Member for Chatsworth

The member requested we audit the Northern Transitway project, undertaken by the Department of Transport and Main Roads, as part of our Major Projects 2024 report.

The member expressed concerns about the project’s forecast cost, reduced scope and delivery delay. They asked QAO to consider a review of the planning and delivery of the project.

The member also asked me to consider whether the failure to implement 20 of my previous recommendations on procurement, contract and project management as identified in my Major Projects 2023 report have impacted this project.


We responded to the member on 12 March 2024.

We advised the member that we would consider the questions he raised as part of our annual financial audit of the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Our annual audit considers key projects included on the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP).

I also advised the member that the outstanding recommendations referred to in my Major Projects 2023 report relate to multiple entities across 4 previous infrastructure reports. None of the outstanding recommendations were specific to the Department of Transport and Main Roads. We will continue to monitor the progress of these outstanding recommendations and include the status in our status of Auditor-General’s recommendations 2024 report.

If our audit identifies any significant findings for this project, we will consider including them in our Major Projects 2024 report.
