Queensland Audit Office

Queenslanders rely on public sector entities and local governments to publish correct and current information about how they deliver public services. Providing this information has many benefits, including:

  • putting information into the community quickly at low cost 
  • reducing time and resources spent responding to enquires and information requests 
  • demonstrating a commitment to openness and transparency.

Our recent report on Delivering social housing services (Report 1: 2022–23) highlights the importance of providing detailed information on government processes to stakeholders and the public. 

Does your entity provide enough information on its website?  

Your entity’s website should be easy to navigate and include plenty of information about its key services. For example, if your entity requires people to apply for services or acquire its products, its website should make clear how to do so, and how it manages each application. This might include a detailed assessment criteria and relevant time frames.  

If your information is complex or technical, consider using case studies, examples, short videos or infographics to capture the key points. A FAQ section is helpful for people seeking more detail and can be informed by common enquiries you receive from customers or stakeholders.  

Do your stakeholders need tailored information?  

Some stakeholders require more detailed or specific information beyond what is published on an entity’s website. For example, businesses or non-government organisations may need tailored information about how your entity’s work impacts them.  

Entities should engage directly with stakeholders to understand their information needs. Discussion forums, webinars and online newsletters can all be used to communicate effectively. Ideally, this should involve open communication channels where stakeholders can ask questions and request more information if needed.  

Do you keep people in the loop when things change?  

It’s important to consider how you will communicate significant changes with your stakeholders. At a minimum, your entity’s website should be kept updated to reflect your current practices. It can also be helpful to publish a summary of key changes when updating websites or public documents. This makes it easy to see the relevant updates. 

Depending on the change, you may need to take additional steps to engage with your stakeholders. For example, in our Delivering social housing services report, we recommend the audited entity uses a proactive campaign to communicate with stakeholders about a change in its processes. Maintaining open communication channels with key stakeholders can help you do this quickly and easily.  

Could your entity be more transparent about how it delivers services?   

Next time you visit your entity’s website or are dealing with stakeholders, consider: 

  • Can customers or stakeholders easily find information about services that impact them? Is this information clear, detailed and current?  
  • Do you understand the information needs of your entity’s stakeholders? Are you using the best methods to keep them across how you do things?  
  • Have you clearly communicated when things change, including the details of the change and how this might impact your customers and stakeholders?   

If you answer ‘no’ to any of the above, your entity has an opportunity be more transparent about how it delivers services.