David A.
Corporate image of David Adams

Why adopt a systems approach?

Providing services to the community relies on governments entities taking care of the physical assets they operate. In Queensland, public sector entities, including local governments, own and operate assets worth over $500 billion. It’s crucial they manage these assets effectively. This involves implementing successful systems approaches to identify, assess, and make decisions about the condition, performance, maintenance, and replacement of assets to ensure maximum performance and value over time.

The importance of a well-designed systems approach to asset management cannot be overstated. A systems approach considers how different elements work together within the organisation. An asset management system is a specific tool or framework created to enhance resource utilisation, cost effectiveness, and compliance. This blog explores the components that make a systems approach to asset management indispensable.

The 8 steps to a systems approach to asset management

1. Clear objectives and strategic alignment

Asset management standards encourage organisations to integrate asset management into their overall management systems. This means aligning asset management practices with the organisation’s strategic objectives and considering assets as an integral part of business processes. At the helm of a systems approach lies the need for clear objectives.

Define the purpose of the asset management system and align it strategically with overarching organisational goals. This clarity ensures that every component of the system works cohesively towards a common mission.

2. Comprehensive life cycle management

A systems-based approach to comprehensive life cycle management for assets is effective because it can:

  • offer a holistic perspective
  • promote efficiency
  • integrate data
  • manage risks proactively
  • align with organisational goals
  • adapt to change
  • optimise cost
  • facilitate continuous improvement
  • ensure compliance and accountability.

A successful system doesn't merely catalog assets; it steers them through their entire life cycle. From procurement and deployment to maintenance and eventual retirement, each phase should seamlessly integrate into the system. Adopting a life cycle perspective ensures that decisions regarding assets are made with a long-term view of improving performance and value over time, and preventing unnecessary costs.

3. Integration with business processes

Efficiency and productivity in asset management requires harmonious integration with broader business processes. This includes processes related to risk management, decision-making, service delivery, finance, and technology. The goal is to align asset management activities with broader organisational goals to create an interconnected ecosystem that fosters efficiency and accuracy. Integrating knowledge and expertise from various disciplines can optimise the functioning of the entire system.

4. Risk management

Embracing a systems approach to asset management will enhance your entity’s ability to proactively identify and respond to risks, improve asset performance, and ensure resilience of operations. Recognising the importance of a risk-based approach to asset management will encourage all employees to identify, assess, and manage risks associated with their assets systematically. This includes understanding the potential impacts of asset failure and taking preventive measures. Through assessing what risk exposure is tolerable to respective stakeholders, the cost of maintaining and renewing assets can be structured and justified.

5. Data accuracy and standardisation

Adopting a systems approach to data accuracy and standardisation will lead to a cohesive and reliable data environment, support informed decision-making and enhance operational efficiency. Establishing uniform naming conventions and classification systems prevents discrepancies and allows for reliable tracking, reporting, and decision-making. Where there is an absence of reliable information, organisations will find it challenging to meet community expectations. It will also avoid poor decision-making, delayed maintenance, and unnecessary costs.

6. Engage users and aim to automate

Involve users in the system design process, provide them comprehensive training, and leverage automation to streamline workflows. If users are not provided with a sense of control and freedom, effective empowerment is threatened. This increases the risk of disappointment and weakness in system design and implementation. A user-friendly design will encourage widespread adoption, reducing the likelihood of errors and enhancing overall efficiency.

For increased efficiency and productivity, automate repetitive tasks, such as asset tracking and procurement approvals. Automation boosts accuracy and integrates existing workflows, which saves time and minimises manual errors.

7. Security, compliance, and performance monitoring

Ensuring the security of asset data is paramount. This not only safeguards sensitive information but also provides insights for strategic decision-making. Implement robust security measures, ensure compliance with regulations, and establish performance monitoring with key indicators. In Improving asset management in local government (Report 2: 2023–24) we found that, while entities were establishing performance indicators, there was ineffective reporting on the success of an asset’s performance.

By elevating your systems approach to asset management with accurate reporting and analytics capabilities, your system will provide valuable insights into asset performance, usage patterns, and costs. Using analytics-driven assessments, organisations can implement strategies to optimise asset utilisation and guide value for money investments.

8. Continuous improvement, scalability, and flexibility

In a changing business operating environment, a systems approach must be adaptable. Adaptability is essential for organisations undergoing growth or facing evolving technology needs. Foster a culture of continuous improvement, design the system in line with organisational growth, and ensure flexibility for direct changes in technology and processes.

In conclusion, an effective systems approach to asset management will guide organisations seeking efficiency and strategic resource utilisation. By incorporating these 8 key components, organisations can confidently overcome the challenges and complexities of asset management with precision and purpose.

What can you next expect from us?

The next blog in our asset management series will discuss maintenance of assets.


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